8 Laserless Tattoo Removal Treatments You May Not Have Known.

non laser tattoo removal
Photo credits: Isra CGu

Tattoos and other forms of body modification have been around for centuries, and it is now popularly considered a means of self-expression. However, there are instances where you get a tattoo when you’re young and carefree, but as you grow older, you begin to regret your decision. At times you don’t necessarily regret the tattoo; however, due to work and professional circumstances, you might have no choice but to remove your visible tattoos. Getting a laser treatment for tattoo removal is probably the most common method; however, several other no laser tattoo removal methods and remedies use natural ingredients and procedures that help remove permanent ink from your body. In this article, we will be going over several different no-laser tattoo removal techniques that will give you effective results.

Surgical Removal

Surgically removing tattoos is also known as excision tattoo removal. This procedure does not include any laser treatment; instead, the doctors cut off the tattooed skin, and it is the most invasive method of removing your tattoo. Once the tattooed skin is removed, the hole that remains where the skin was is sewn back together. One of the biggest drawbacks of opting for the surgical method is that it leaves scars behind. This method is effective for people wishing to remove small-sized tattoos. For aftercare, your doctor will prescribe a moisturizing lotion or a sunblock with SPF 30 to relieve any discomfort or irritation.

Laserless Tattoo Removal Using Salabrasion

People often use salt to remove tattoos, and in most cases, there seem to be no side effects associated with this method. You select the area where you want the tattoo to disappear from and periodically rub salt over the tattoo. You have to be careful with the salt application, and it is advised to space out this process so your skin gets a chance to heal properly. This might be slightly painful for some, especially those with sensitive skin, so taking a pain-killer will help with the pain.

There is no permanent damage involved using this method, and with the consistent application, you can visibly notice the tattoo fading away. This tattoo removal without laser home remedy is a lot more convenient and painless compared to laser surgery. This method involves the removal of your epidermis and may not prove to be so effective. If not done properly, there is a possibility that you will be left with extreme pain, redness, and scarring.

Read More On Salabrasion Tattoo Removal Here.

how to remove tattoos without laser

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This laserless tattoo removal method involves “sanding” the upper layer of the skin by scraping off the ink particles using a rotating coarse disk. The effectiveness of this method depends on the size, colors of the tattoo and how deep the ink has settled into the skin. The intensity of pain and irritation felt by the patient depends from person to person. If you have relatively sensitive skin or other skin conditions, then going for the dermabrasion method may not be suitable for you. It is advised that people with a darker skin tone don’t go for this method as it has the risk of pigment change.    

Sand Powder

Another effective way of naturally removing tattoos is by using sand powder and mixing it with aloe vera to create a paste mixture. Take about 1/4 cup of sand powder and aloe vera gel, combine them to create a gooey paste, and apply it multiple times a day over your tattoo until it vanishes. The sand grit in the mixture helps remove the pigment attached to the skin, and it is an efficient way of removing tattoos. This method is designed to replicate the functions of dermabrasion; however, using this technique might result in possible infections, rashes, and cuts.

Aloe Vera Gel

This painless method of removing tattoos is probably the most used home remedy for this purpose. The nutrients in the aloe vera gel help soothe your skin while removing the tattoo as well. All you have to do is rub the gel about four times a day till the tattoo vanishes. Another hack for this method is mixing the aloe vera gel with plain yogurt – your skin will be left glowing and smooth after using this method. Though this method seems promising, there is little evidence that suggests this is an effective technique. It is great for treating skin rashes but may not be suitable to remove tattoos.


Another homemade tattoo removing solution is made up of honey, aloe vera gel, salt, and yogurt. Combine these ingredients to make a thick paste and apply it four times a day over your unwanted tattoo. This solution works faster than plain aloe vera, and by using this method, you will have clear skin in no time.


Using lemons to remove tattoos has been around almost as long as tattoos have. The natural detergents in the lemon act as a bleaching agent to remove unwanted inks, and it leaves the skin feeling smooth. Lemon also encourages the growth of healthy, new cells and causes the skin to lighten as well. For better results, it is advised to use a bit of salt as well since the grains help scrape off the pigments.

This technique works best for tattoos that are already light in color, and it is also one of the cheapest ways of naturally removing tattoos. Even though using lemon juice is a prominent ingredient for skincare remedies, it is also highly acidic. Using lemon to remove tattoos can potentially lead to skin rashes and sensitivity issues, especially if you are exposed to the sun for longer periods.

Using Topical Creams To Remove Tattoo’s Without Laser

There are medicated creams available that can cause tattoos to fade away. This option is a lot more convenient than opting for laser surgery. However, you must consult with a skin specialist or a tattoo removal expert and discuss the side effects. Topical creams for tattoo removal can be a little bit expensive, and if the solution doesn’t suit your skin, you can get irritable side effects.

Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a cream that is made using natural ingredients. Tattoo removal creams and ointments are readily available in the market and online. However, such medicated creams are not approved by FDA due to the lack of clinical research and evidence. Some creams also come with the risk of causing skin irritation and scarring.

how to remove tattoos without laser

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Read More On How to Remove Tattoos at Home | Pros and Cons of Natural Tattoo Removing Methods Here.

Final Thoughts On Non Laser Tattoo Removal

Overall, there are numerous no laser tattoo removal methods. From medical procedures to homemade remedies, you can easily get the ingredients and products needed to remove the permanent ink off your body. You can opt for surgical removal if your tattoo is small enough, or you can go for dermabrasion and scrape off the top layer of your skin. Apart from this, you can consult a specialist, and they can prescribe a topical cream that will slowly fade the tattoo away.

Remember always to consult a skin specialist or a tattoo removal expert so they can guide you better on how to remove a tattoo without laser and which option is best suited for you.